

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Meeting 1: What is Virtuous?

Meeting 1 (recap): Defining Virtuous

The first meeting was mostly about getting to know one another. We will have deeper studies to come soon!


Proverbs 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.

We are focusing on the first part of this verse. As an opening to this group, we want to define virtuous and how we, as women, can serve the Lord as mothers and wives.

Discussion questions:

1.What does Virtuous mean?

By definition, virtuous means: having or showing high moral standards.

In Biblical context, virtuous means strength
So the verse translates: Who can find a woman of strength.
We discussed how virtue is something earned, that we must actively seek, not something given to us by God. This is why Proverbs 31:10-30 is a poem a mother writes for her son describing what kind of woman he must seek for his wife.

To read more on this, you can read here: http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/homefam/prov31.htm

2.In what ways do you try to be virtuous in everyday life?
To participate in discussion answer in comments below.

3.Do you know anyone in your life who has been an example of a virtuous woman?
To participate in discussion answer in comments below.

4.What obstacles do we face as Christian women to being virtuous in the world today?
To participate in discussion answer in comments below.


1 comment:

  1. 1. What does Virtuous mean (to me) Daily doing things with purpose for my family, finding ways to be helpful, finding ways to bring more Glory to God by either being quiet or speaking out about something God puts on my heart and shows me it is not right to keep quiet about. 2. Ways to be Virtuous everyday? Golly...trying to be virtuous every day? I find it by praising my husband if there is some way that pops up...or praying for friends and family who need it. Might be time to focus on being more purposefully virtuous in certain ways that I lack it! Like words...can have a hard time being positive near my family! 3. Know anyone in life who has been a virtuous woman; I think there are always going to be amazing examples. My grandmother's constant joy, happiness and love is what makes me think of a virtuous woman I want to resonate/be like, especially since I have the most trouble being happy and joyful all the time at home! 4. Obstacles we face today: Hum...I think the obstacles we face today are too numerous to count, and hence the reason alot of us tire at just the thought of acting virtuous, because the world banks and encourages us to be anything BUT. I think the most challenging thing us moms face in the world of virtues, are short cuts and time savers. Things that are marketed to us to "save us time" in the kitchen or with our kids, end up doing the opposite. Simpler is better, even if it takes more time, because when Grandma showed me how to make cake, or hem a skirt, or make her braised short ribs the original way, it always comes out right. Short cuts are usually jips into our time and money...and chip away at our culture and lives. Anyone else want to share what these questions mean to you:?]
